Sunday, October 9, 2011


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HAHAHA... very very funny Lan!

I was impressed with the creative and plentiful ways you came UP with to use the simple little 2 letter word "UP".
That must have taken UP a lot of your time! :)

Is it true that your husband has taken UP working as a tourist guide also? If he is learning from you he is very lucky as he has the best teacher possible! How is your son doing? Is he still away at school? Does he stilll have the dream to open UP his own restaurant??

I must go now... as I have to tidy UP my kitchen. You can never guess what we were UP to today.
This is Thanksgiving weekend, and I cooked UP a big turkey dinner here today. Some of our family came UP to our house and we all filled UP on turkey, potatoes, gravy, vegetables, salads, pumpkin pie & whipped cream.

Now it looks like a bomb blew UP in here....the dirty dishes are stacked UP everywhere... waiting for someone to wash them UP... and since my guests have UP and gone.... and my husband is UP to something outside... it is UP to me to clean UP this mess. But when I am done... I will put my feet UP and relax.

hahaha... thanks Lan... it was fun to stretch my mind to think UP the many ways I could try and use the word UP.

Bye for now!

I wish you good luck, good health, & good fortune!!

UP! UP! and AWAY!!!


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